As we reflect on the 2020 journey of Everyone Eats in Chittenden, Franklin, and Grand Isle counties, we are overwhelmed with gratitude for all of the communities and partners that worked with us to create this new program and feed all of our friends and neighbors. 

Everyone Eats rapidly brought together community organizations, restaurants, farmers, value-added producers, mutual aid groups, volunteers, childcare centers, and employers to serve meals and provide hope for essential workers, people experiencing homelessness, high health risk folx, low income folx, seniors, families, New Americans, the newly food insecure, and many more. This web of people has proven to be adaptable, tireless, and resilient. We are honored to be a part of this community. 

Behind each and every meal, the Everyone Eats network has shared and created resources, hosted conversations and countless video calls, tackled snowy delivery routes, exchanged smiles behind masks, and shed more than a few tears. We are incredibly proud of the work that has been done, but we know that food insecurity, economic turmoil, and tough times for individuals, organizations, restaurants, and businesses will remain beyond Everyone Eats. We hope that you will join us in celebrating what was accomplished in 2020 and stay connected to our newly formed network and community. 

Everyone Eats is on pause starting December 30th while we explore funding options. As we continue to live with this health pandemic and economic crisis we know the need is great. There is a strong effort and great hope that funding will be available to restart the program.

Thank you, for all that you have done and all that you are.

In Community,

The Everyone Eats team in Chittenden, Franklin, and Grand Isle Counties


Vermont Everyone Eats was funded by the federal Coronavirus Relief Fund and made possible through a grant provided by the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development to Southeastern Vermont Community Action. This program had over 134 distribution sites statewide managed by 18 regional partners.

ShiftMeals and the Intervale Center partnered to serve the Everyone Eats Program in Chittenden County as well as Healthy Roots in Franklin and Grand Isle counties. In total between these three counties, 100,697 meals were distributed from September through December 2020.

Over the course of this program 86 community partners in Chittenden, Franklin and Grand Isle Counties stepped up to distribute meals in their communities. View the map of distribution locations across this hub.

Everyone Eats of Chittenden, Franklin, and Grand Isle Counties By the Numbers

Total Days of Meal Distributions: 85

Total Meals Shared: 100,697

Total Community Partners Receiving and Distributing Meals: 86

Total Restaurants Serving Meals: 24

Average amount of purchasing from Vermont purveyors and producers: 38.8%

Total Dollars Invested in Chittenden County: $1,006,970.00

Program overview by week including meal recipient demographics and meal totals throughout Everyone Eats program in Chittenden, Franklin, and Grand Isle counties in 2020. This data is specific to Chittenden, Franklin, and Grand Isle Counties and excludes Digital Vouchers / Localvore App
Meals distributed per week throughout Everyone Eats program in Chittenden, Franklin, and Grand Isle counties in 2020.
This data is specific to Chittenden, Franklin, and Grand Isle Counties and excludes Digital Vouchers / Localvore App

To view the entire report you can download it below.


“Our staff have appreciated this so much. We heard many thanks yesterday. Some were as simple as; “it’s nice to not have to worry about dinner once a week” others were, “I was able to save on grocery money and do more for my kids Christmas this year.” 

– Morgan Evarts – Recruiter-Workforce Builder at Wake Robin

“We have connected with our neighbors in a whole new way. Our families are feeling uplifted and supported. Our team is feeling like we are finally able to give back in a way we wanted to during the Stay Home Stay Safe order. The need is heartbreaking and I think on our public distribution nights we have seen how widespread it is. The stories people have shared make all those dark cold nights so worth it. With our families we tend to have a good pulse on who is food insecure and internally support them, but there have been some surprises along the way. Food insecurity comes in many facets and this has helped to alleviate some fears for people. Thank you for inviting us to this project!”

– Christina H. Goodwin, Executive Director of Pine Forest Children’s Center

“Everyone Eats came at the perfect time. From a business perspective, the program bolstered the kitchen as we’ve adjusted to a new normal.  But the best part is that it aligns with our values to support our community by sourcing from a local farm, and cooking delicious seasonal food for those in need.  Everybody Eats is a great example of supporting the entire supply chain with CARES Act funding – from the farm to the commercial kitchen to the food insecure.”

– Erin malone, Owner of Momo’s Market

Restaurant & Partnership Highlights

This program has been a collaborative effort all thanks to restaurants, farmers, producers and eaters. We would like to offer a shout out to the many farmers who have been integral to this program. For a list of local farmers who participated in Everyone Eats go here.

Over the last couple of months we spoke to restaurants and partners about how Everyone Eats has made a positive impact on their businesses and communities. 

We hope you will take the time to read their stories and support your local restaurants!


Given the ongoing nature of the pandemic and its impact upon our local economies, there is effort and great hope that funding will be available to restart Vermont Everyone Eats in 2021. In the meantime, there are many resources available statewide that are currently underutilized. 

For more information on Everyone Eats in Chittenden, Franklin and Grand Isle Counties visit